Wednesday, October 7, 2009

berlin - february 2009 - opening for Amadou and Mariam

berlin in the winter. or the little bit i did get to see :)

here's what the room looked like at soundcheck.

here's what the room looked like during their set.

there are three european countries where i tour and people smoke indoors: switzerland, spain and unfortunately germany. i'm awfully allergic to cigarettes and it makes playing a show "uber" painful. thankfully, this nice sign was up in the green rooms.

this is just... hilarious. all night liquor shop. called "no worries"... talk about drinking culture...

our stopover by train was kohln: where people were taking the carnival celebrations VERY seriously. below, the more tame version of costumes worn by everyone!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Aug 18th 2009 - les grimaldines - grimaud

Aug 8th 2009 - st-pierre reunion island

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